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Rena Road Church of Christ - Van Buren Arkansas - United States of America - Logo Earth Church of Christ
100 Rena Road Van Buren Arkansas 72956

Links to University websites, Bible commentaries, and world missions information.

Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort - Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort immediately responds to any major disaster in the continental United States. The organization contacts the leadership of local Churches of Christ in or near a major disaster area. If the leadership says their local congregation wants to help, the COCDRE sends to that congregation truckloads of emergency food, personal hygiene, infant care, water, cleaning supplies, and pallets of additional basic needs, for them to distribute to the disaster victims. Hurricane disaster relief effort is underway, click the link above for more information and learn how you can help.

Christian Universities - Arkansas, Texas, Tennessee, and Oklahoma

Harding University Oklahoma Christian University Abilene Christian University
Freed-Hardeman University

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Rena Road Church of Christ
100 Rena Road
Van Buren Arkansas